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RTNet Template Input File: PP_CLNT-PPPAR_GXRF_MWL3_30S

RTNet Template Input File: PP_CLNT-PPPAR_GXRF_MWL3_30S

RTNet    RTNet Post-Processing

Post-Processing : PPP-AR (2 step) Client Processing


Coordinate Estimates

Map for GNSS PPP-AR processing

Figure: Server network (red boxes) used for PPP-AR server processing.



Coordinate Estimates

Rtnet post-processing: PPP-AR client solution

Figure: Coordinate solution for GEONET PPPAR client station 0082. The server template input files are (1) PP_NET_SRV-PPPAR_GXRF_P3L3_30S and (2) PP_NET_SRV-PPPAR_GXRF_MWL3_30S .


Sample Data and Setting

Item / Parameters Notes and Setting
Processing PPP-AR client with 2 step server processing
Purpose PPP-AR client kinematic processing for near real-time monitoring of deformation.
Stations GEONET station 0082
(Please use the template file by replacing the stations).
Processing Time Window 2016/01/17 00:00 ~ 2016/01/20 00:00 GPST
(Please use the template file by cahnging the time-window setting).
Used Data GPS phase L3 (IF: Ionosphere Free), code MW, 30 sec. processing
Get Data Data was purchased from NGDS.
Satellite Products PPPAR corerction and satellite clock data from RTNet PPP-AR server processing. Broadcast orbit/clock is used to get a priori information on satellites (any standard products can be used).
Setting in Processing PPP-AR kinematic processing
Constrain A priori coordinate 100m from Bancroft solution for each epoch, Coordinate change 100m/s, ZTD 1e-5 m/s
Processing Cost About 10 minutes
Validation Repeatability of coordinate solutions (because test client station is static station).